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Events & Special Services

Learn about special things happening at St. Paul's


Prayer Shawls needed!​

If you have completed prayer shawls please bring them to the church on Sunday as we will have the blessing of the shawls to restock the bin.  

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Whether you’d like company for a meal, are a student and would like to enjoy some home cooked food or are tired of the TV for company at the dinner table then Dinner Church is the place to be.  We meet every Monday at 5:30 in the sanctuary.  Food, Fellowship, Worship we cover it all!


Mark your calendar and get your ticket for an early start to Valentine’s Day with the Death by Dessert and Auction planned for Friday, February 7th at 7pm.  Tickets are $20 and will be available from the office and members of your parish council.  A limited  number of tickets are available


We will need some help from you — the members of the congregation—  if you are willing to make a dessert please contact the office or ASAP.  

As well we will need items to auction so if you have something you are willing to donate please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex area

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Guided Meditation will resume Wednesday, January 8 at 7pm.  And I have something new to try!!  If you know of someone that would be interested in joining please let them know!

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